Found 18 results
Shubham Jain
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Khanna P
Ramakrishnan IV
Jain S
Bi X
Balasubramanian A
. 2024.
Hand Gesture Recognition for Blind Users by Tracking 3D Gesture Trajectory
Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Truong H
Jaisinghani D
Jain S
Sinha A
Balan R
. 2024.
Tracking people across ultra populated indoor spaces by matching unreliable Wi-Fi signals with disconnected video feeds
Srivastava T
Khanna P
Pan S
Nguyen P
Jain S
. 2024.
Unvoiced: Designing an LLM-assisted Unvoiced User Interface using Earables
ACM Conference on Embedded Net- worked Sensor Systems (SenSys ’24).
Alali A
. 2023.
ADOPT: A system for Alerting Drivers to Occluded Pedestrian Traffic
Srivastava T
Pan S
Nguyen P
Jain S
. 2023.
Jawthenticate: Microphone-free Speech-based Authentication using Jaw Motion and Facial Vibrations
The 21th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2023).
Cao BBo
Alali A
Liu H
Meegan N
Gruteser M
Dana K
Ashok A
Jain S
. 2023.
ViFiT: Reconstructing Vision Trajectories from IMU and Wi-Fi Fine Time Measurements
Srivastava T
Khanna P
Pan S
Nguyen P
Jain S
. 2022.
Demo: Leveraging earables for unvoiced command recognition
MobiSys '22: Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Services.
Okhravi H
Gupta AK
Jain S
Maly KJ
Nesbitt C
Shivajirao SGujjar
Murthy TNarayana
Wainwright L
King D
. 2022.
Feasibility of using wearable technology to monitor agitation and sleep in patients with Alzheimer’s dementia: Lessons learned
Alzheimer's Association International Conference.
Bhattacharya M
Jain S
Prasanna P
. 2022.
GazeRadar: A Gaze and Radiomics-Guided Disease Localization Framework
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention.
Srivastava T
Khanna P
Pan S
Nguyen P
Jain S
. 2022.
MuteIt: Jaw Motion Based Unvoiced Command Recognition Using Earable
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous TechnologiesVolume 6.
Bhattacharya M
Jain S
Prasanna P
. 2022.
RadioTransformer: A Cascaded Global-Focal Transformer for Visual Attention–Guided Disease Classification
European Conference on Computer Vision.
Meegan N
Liu H
Cao BBo
Alali A
Dana K
Gruteser M
Jain S
Ashok A
. 2022.
ViFiCon: Vision and Wireless Association Via Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning
arXiv preprint.
Cao BBo
Alali A
Liu H
Meegan N
Gruteser M
Dana K
Ashok A
Jain S
. 2022.
ViTag: Online WiFi Fine Time Measurements Aided Vision-Motion Identity Association in Multi-person Environments
19th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON).
Rachuri SPramodh
Bronzino F
Jain S
. 2021.
Decentralized modular architecture for live video analytics at the edge
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Video Analytics and Intelligent Edges.
Aljohani M
Olariu S
Alali A
Jain S
. 2021.
A Survey of Parking Solutions for Smart Cities
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Milanko S
Jain S
. 2020.
LiftRight: Quantifying strength training performance using a wearable sensor
Smart Health. 16:100115.
Whitlock J
Sill J
Jain S
. 2019.
A-spiro: Towards continuous respiration monitoring
ACM/IEEE Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems, and Engineering Technologies (CHASE). 15:100105.
Jain S
Lindqvist J
. 2014.
Should I Protect You? Understanding Developers' Behavior to Privacy-Preserving APIs
Workshop on Usable Security 2014.