Performance Monitoring for Exercise Movements Using Mobile Cameras

TitlePerformance Monitoring for Exercise Movements Using Mobile Cameras
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsGharasuie MMohammady, Jennings N, Jain S
Conference NameProceedings of the Workshop on Body-Centric Computing Systems
PublisherAssociation for Computing Machinery
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number9781450386005

Despite numerous devices targeted to fitness tracking, the strength training domain has often been overlooked and understudied. In this paper, we propose a smartphone camera based approach to track users' strength training workouts, as well as metrics pertaining to their form and performance. Our goal is to detect the repetitions in a workout without requiring user intervention or any training data from the user. Unlike many existing systems, our proposed system is scalable, low-cost, and widely accessible. We gather data from two sources for 5 exercises across 25 subjects. We compute performance metrics such as range of motion, velocity, and duration from each repetition with median errors less than 10%. These results demonstrate that commercial off the shelf smartphone cameras can be used to accurately detect and count repetitions in user movements, as well as to compute rep-by-rep user performance.
